Sports history showcased in Monroe
Local history may not have the same notoriety of national history, but it may be more personal, said Amy Leiser, executive director of the Monroe County Historical Association.
The historical association has an exhibition titled “Leagues of Our Own” at the Stroud Mansion. The exhibit showcases early 20th century uniforms, pennants, and photos from Monroe County.
“These are all part of our collection,” Leiser said, referencing to the local memorabilia. “That’s how we get everything here at the historical association, through the generosity of our community. As people are cleaning out or downsizing, they find something they want to make sure is preserved. So, they donate them to us.”
Some of the memorabilia they have dates all the way back to the 1920s. There is a Barrett High School baseball uniform from this decade; a picture of the Stroudsburg High School basketball team from 1921; and a Pocono High School cheerleading uniform that was worn by Jeanne Learn, who graduated in 1947.
While Leiser does enjoy national history, she acknowledged how much there is to discover and preserve in the Poconos.
“People travel and they want to see Mount Vernon, which is awesome, but we have such great things here in our own community,” Leiser said. “And I’m guilty too. I’ll travel far and wide to go see historical sites, and sometimes not take advantage of things right in our own backyard. But the stuff we have here at the Stroud Mansion was used, owned, loved by your neighbors, by your community. It really helps make the connection.”
Another exhibition at the Stroud Mansion is of historical telephones. Leiser said how young people might have never seen a rotary phone before, which shows the importance of preservation. She also referenced their toy collection.
“They might see a toy that we have in our toy exhibition room that brings them back to their childhood,” Leiser said. “They may have had a stuffed bunny rabbit that looked like the one that they had. It gives them that warm feeling of their own childhood, their own personal connection.”
While local history is personal, Leiser thought sports took a more universal appeal.
“It’s high school sports,” Leiser said. “I think it’s something that a lot of people have a connection with. We really wanted to have a fun, lighthearted exhibit that everyone could get behind.”
The Stroud Mansion is located at 900 Main St., Stroudsburg. It is open Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and prefer a call ahead for guided tours. Tours of the entire mansion are offered.
The sports exhibition will be up until Dec. 21.