Schuylkill County intern lands job
A young woman, who interned at the Schuylkill County Controller’s office, has landed a job there.
“We kicked the tires,” Controller Christy Joy said. “And we’re keeping her.”
Gabriella Bentz, of Pottsville, has an undergraduate and a master’s degree in accounting from Bloomsburg University. She was a paid intern at the Controller’s office during the summer months, through a cooperative program with PA Career Link.
Schuylkill’s Director of Human Resources Debra Twigg and HR assistant Heather Garrity worked with PA Career Link’s Business Services representative Sharon Tropp to organize the eight-week paid internship program, now in its second year. For the Controller’s Office, Bentz will be an accountant/auditor fixed asset, second deputy, at a salary of $45,686 annually. The Schuylkill County Commissioners approved the hiring during a workshop meeting Wednesday.
Joy said in that role, Bentz’s duties will include monitoring all county-owned vehicles and equipment, as well as evaluating capital purchases. She will also audit row offices and district justice offices.
Schuylkill County Treasurer Linda Marchalk, who had intern Elizabeth Zimmerman, Frackville, in her office during the summer, said that the interns gain valuable experience.
“The hands-on experience is very good,” Marchalk said. “They learn the basic things that are part of the job.”
After the meeting, Commissioners’ Chairman George Halcovage said that the paid internship program is a “great opportunity” for local college students.
“When Career Link and our Human Resources Department got together, they put together a program that’s pretty awesome,” he said. “Career Link offices across the state now use Schuylkill County as the example of how to run the program.”
In other personnel actions, the commissioners:
Appointed two part-time County Prison corrections officers, Courtney Frye, of Lansford and Eric Macker, of Frackville. Each will be paid $19.71 per hour.
Approved the appointment of Cara Toczek, of Pine Grove, as a mental health program specialist, at a rate of $20.98 per hour.
Cathy Cortese, of Nurse Family Partnership of Schuylkill County, was appointed to serve on the Children and Youth Advisory Board for a three-year term, beginning Aug. 14.