Published July 20. 2019 06:14AM
When will Congress start working for this country? When will they forget party and work to improve this country? When will they find out that they are American, before Republican or Democrat?
When will they put the president in time out and ignore him? When will they realize they can override his veto? When will these idiots have him own and be responsible for what he says or does? Why are they letting our country go from first to one that don’t matter? Why are they letting countries like Russia, China, Turkey and others fill the void that we’re leaving around the world?
Stop acting like a little spoiled brat (my dad can beat your dad) (my mom cooks better than yours) and (my button’s bigger and more powerful then yours).
Grow up.
Is there no adult in Washington?
I remain,
Robert (Ski) Siesputowksi
Summit Hill