Published June 27. 2019 02:45PM
A donation to the Mrs. C.M. Schwab School restoration project will honor the memory of a longtime district employee. Mary Marusak and Annette Cremens recently donated $500 in memory of their late mother, Dolores Lettiere. She was secretary to the high school principal for many years and also worked in the cafeteria. From left are Schwab School restoration project President Charlie Palermo, Marusak and Cremens. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
A donation to the Mrs. C.M. Schwab School restoration project will honor the memory of a longtime district employee. Mary Marusak and Annette Cremens recently donated $500 in memory of their late mother, Dolores Lettiere. She was secretary to the high school principal for many years and also worked in the cafeteria. From left are Schwab School restoration project President Charlie Palermo, Marusak and Cremens. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO