Published June 11. 2019 02:45PM
Trash pickers beware: Lehighton plans to amend its existing ordinance after a barrage of complaints.
At the meeting last week, resident Wendy Laton asked what can be done.
Autumn Abelovsky said that residents approached council last month with the same concerns.
Laton said she and her family moved to the borough for a better life for their children.
“I don’t want to live in a dump,” Laton said.
After the meeting, borough manager Nicole Beckett said there have been at least 50 complaints received.
On a 4-0 vote, borough council on Monday agreed to have solicitor Jim Nanovic draft an ordinance to address trash picking. Councilmen Darryl Arner and Donald Rehrig and Councilwoman Lisa Perry were absent.
Council agreed it would have Nanovic draft the ordinance based on comments from council members, as the existing ordinance will need to be amended as it only prohibits scavenging during certain hours.
Councilwoman provided sample ordinances to council that included prohibiting scavenging, trash picking and scrapping.
“It’s something we do need to act upon,” Abelovsky said.
Earlier in the meeting, council heard from a resident who expressed concerns.
Beckett said once the draft is prepared it will be distributed to council for comments, and if approved, would be advertised.
She said it could be adopted as soon as August depending on the process of drafting the ordinance.