Published May 25. 2019 06:10AM
Weatherly Borough Council discussed the following items this week:
• Agreed to seek new bids for its 2019 paving project including Pardee, Commerce and Laurel streets. Louise and Allen streets were included in the original request for proposals, but council decided not to accept the low bid of $111,428 from Franzosa Trucking.
• Council is seeking bids for the demolition of 114 and 132 Hudsondale St., two blighted properties that the borough recently purchased.
• Councilwoman Theresa D’Andrea said the Weatherly Ambulance has a new operations manager, and is exploring a new web presence to try to attract younger paramedics. Members raised over $1,000 during a spring fundraiser and a Father’s Day raffle fundraiser is currently underway.
• Council voted to buy new Christmas decorations for the borough streetlights at a cost of $9,365.