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It’s the Readers Turn with Pleasant Valley seniors

“If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your elementary school self?”

Zachary Froysti,Brodheadsville“Don’t think you have so much time to do what you think you think you are going to do. Be open-minded. Take all of the opportunities that come your way and don’t procrastinate.”
Riley Hughes,Polk Township“I would tell myself to always be true to yourself. Being yourself is more positive and more effective.”
Daniel Engle,Kunkletown“I would have to say to myself to stay out of trouble. Pay better attention and to keep more to myself.”
Benjamin Henwood,Effort“Get involved more. Clubs, activities and community in general. I look back and wish I had gotten involved more in this great community.”
Matthew Davis,Saylorsburg“Focus more in school, get more involved in sports and community. I never thought to look ahead to college. I would be more prepared if I had started earlier. I would also say to make friends and get more involved.”
Jensen Delamarter,Kunkletown“I would tell myself not to stress about it. Whatever you think is wrong now, it won’t be as bad as you think in the end. It all works out.”