How can we choose?
So the primaries for the school board elections are coming up again, and my question is, how can we really make a decision?
There are two sides, and that is it. No one that is neutral. Wouldn’t it make sense if we had a few candidates who were only choosing the side of the students, let alone the community.
You have one side that claims they are “pro-education” then you see their Facebook posts and pages. A page set up to call one person a ringmaster of a circus and has constant posts making fun of that person, and the people that support him, that is just one of many.
Then the other side, who likes to “call out” board members during the meetings and other times and make a mockery of the whole meeting system. Despite what either side claims, neither are “pro-education or “pro-community.” Neither side has truly asked the community how they feel about something, or for that matter listened to the community.
I was not born and raised here as most people in this area were. Instead I moved to this community because of the educational system. The thing is I can still say Lehighton has a great educational system. There are teachers who day in and day out pour their hearts in to their lessons and truly care about their students. There are staff who put the students in front of everything, and it shows. However, this “division of sides” has shed some light on some of the staffs’ true colors.
The sad truth is there needs to be some sort of compromise. The school board is the worst example for our students right now. It supports cliques, bullying and truly teaches them the wrong way to go about things. For those of you running for school board, all of you, not just one side or the other, we teach our children from kindergarten on to be B.R.A.V.E. (be safe, respectful, attentive, very responsible and exceptional). Can any of you honestly say you follow this code?
If you think yes, ask others, not just those around you, but pull a random parent that you normally don’t talk to and ask them, ask multiple parents. Don’t get mad at the answer, but use it as a learning experience. It is easier to get defensive than listen. It is easier to get mad rather than try to change. Stick by your morals, but make sure you are truly doing it for the right reasons, the kids. Not just your personal or political agenda!
Jason R. Baker