Published April 12. 2019 02:45PM
Mahoning Township supervisors discussed the condition of several township roads during their meeting Wednesday.
Supervisor Bruce Steigerwalt said a road inspection was completed recently and several roads are in need of repair.
Steigerwalt said, “Spring Hill Road is really bad,” and the township paver will not be able to be used on the steep hill. He also said Pine Hollow is in need of repair and can possibly be addressed at the same time.
Supervisors’ Chairman Franklin Ruch said Spring Hill Road has deteriorated significantly since last year’s inspection.
Steigerwalt indicated there is approximately $279,000 in the budget for road repairs and supplies. He said between the road repairs and other tar and chip projects, the township will not have a reserve of cash for the winter season.
Steigerwalt said other roads requiring repair include Strauss Valley Drive, Twin Crest Drive, Rex Road and Fritz Road, however, “Spring Hill Road is a number one priority.”
No action was taken regarding the road repairs.
In other business, supervisors:
• Agreed to send letters to Giant, Lowe’s, and Walmart regarding excessive debris found along roads caused by the stores. Steigerwalt said the letters are to be sent, “In an effort to make the township look more pleasing.”
• Tabled the Sierra Vista development plan discussion until April 24.
• Adopted a disclosure statement under the local taxpayer bill of rights.