Published March 23. 2019 06:47AM
It seems like only yesterday the confirmation hearing of Justice Brett Kavanaugh was hijacked by troubled women making fraudulent claims of sexual assault. His high school yearbook was meticulously scrutinized. The left salivated uncontrollably.
Fast forward to today, the new socialist party, formerly Democrat, finds blackface and two counts of substantiated sexual assault acceptable. After repeated anti-Semitic remarks by Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minnesota, she still sits on the Foreign Affairs Committee. Democrats support infanticide, the killing of babies after birth. With 1 million illegal aliens projected to enter our country in 2019, bringing crime and drugs, exposing children to horrific sex trafficking, not to mention the burgeoning cost to taxpayers, the left decries a national emergency.
Say goodbye to cars, airplanes, fossil fuels and cheeseburgers. Windmills will prevail. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, are you going to ban brown cows, or just the black and white ones so you can still get your chocolate milk? The government will be in charge, they will run every aspect of our lives. Keep up the good work, socialists. We all know how this story ends. In 2020 the sky will be aglow from red MAGA hats and the left will still be screaming Russia collusion.
Wanda Dietz
Franklin Township