Objections filed to Schuylkill nomination petitions
An incumbent, a candidate and a resident have filed objections to the nomination petitions filed by candidates to Schuylkill County Clerk of Courts, Prothonotary and Register of Wills/Clerk of the Orphans Court. Schuylkill County President Judge William E. Baldwin will preside over hearings on the objections beginning at 9 a.m. Tuesday.
Candidates for county office need to get 250 people to sign their nomination petition; the people who sign must be registered voters of the candidate’s party. Candidates could begin circulating petitions on Feb. 19 and had to file the petitions by March 12. March 19 was the deadline for someone to file objections to the nomination petition. Objections must be filed with the Schuylkill County Election Bureau, the Prothonotary’s Office and the Court of Common Pleas.
Clerk of Courts Maria Casey, a Republican, filed an objection to the nomination petition of Melissa Santai Clarke, a Republican candidate. Clarke, through her attorney Hank J. Clarke, has filed a petition seeking to dismiss Casey’s action “as untimely.”
According to the Motion to Dismiss, Casey sent the objection to the election bureau “via county mail” on March 19; it was time-stamped at the election bureau at 3:55 p.m. March 20.
Daniel Daub, chairman of the county’s Republican Party and a candidate for prothonotary, filed an objection to the nomination petition of Republican candidate Jerry Labooty.
Lisa Montone, a Republican from Schuylkill Haven, filed an objection to the nomination petition of Republican Frank DiMarco, a candidate for Register of Wills/Clerk of the Orphans Court. DiMarco is the Police Chief of Schuylkill Township. Montone is also represented by attorney Clarke.
The nomination petition for Melissa Santai Clarke contains 316 signatures. In the objection, Casey stated that some of the signatures weren’t valid for a variety of reasons, such as signers didn’t list the year after their signatures, signatures weren’t in chronological order, signers weren’t members of the Republican Party, the top portion of the petition was not complete, and signors failed to provide a date of signing.
Labooty filed 12 petitions totaling 278 signatures. In his complaint, Daub pulled out signees who he states are not registered to vote, not registered as Republicans, or not listed with the correct address. In total, Daub lists 55 signers as incorrect.
DiMarco submitted 327 names on 12 pages of his nominating petition. Objections include signors who are either not registered to vote, or not registered as Republicans; in total challenging 95 lines.
The hearings Tuesday begin at 9 a.m., beginning with Daub vs. Labooty. Montone vs. DiMarco follows at 9:30 a.m., then Casey vs. Clarke at 10 a.m.