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Cancer society auction planned

The annual American Cancer Society Telethon Committee’s Chinese Auction is on March 24 at its new location, the Tamaqua Area High School Gymnasium.

Doors open at 11:30 a.m. and the auction drawing begins at 2:30 p.m. If you can’t make it Sunday, then you can stop by the Shop and Drop from 6-8 p.m. March 23 and get a jump on supporting this event.

There will be chances to win selective raffle prizes, 50/50 drawings, great food, fresh baked goods and candy, along with Polka Joe, the Magic Polka Machine and WMGH broadcasting live.

Some of the top prizes on the specially purchased “white ticket” include a Dell Inspiron 2-in-1 computer, drone with live video camera and GPS, $1,000 cash prize, Disney Hopper passes, three gaming systems — Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 Pro, Xbox One S Bundle, Highwood garden chairs, Murphy Jewelers necklace, gift certificate for fuel oil, gas gift card, a large variety of vacations, movie theater tickets with popcorn and soda for a year, 50-inch TV, lottery tickets, Pocono Race tickets to your choice race, winery and brewery gift packages and more.

In addition to “white ticket” prizes, you can take chances on hundreds of other items. Credit cards are accepted. Proceeds will be presented at the Annual ACS Telethon that airs April 6 and 7 at Penn’s Peak and will broadcast live on BRC TV-13 and Service Electric cable TV. The public is invited to attend the telethon and enjoy the live entertainment.

The large-item “white tickets” are on sale at local businesses throughout the area or can be purchased online at www.CancerTelethon.org/auction.

To donate items or purchase tickets, call 570-645-4228 or email madula@ptd.net. Bakers are always needed. Visit the auction/telethon on Facebook under “CancerTelethon” or http://www.facebook.com/cancertelethon.