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To the young voters

To all our fine young people who voted straight Democrat,

Think about what you’ve done! I’m 81 … in 20 years I won’t be here, BUT YOU WILL! Perhaps you will have children and then grandchildren, and you and they will have to live with what YOU voted for on Election Day 2018!

Think of it, Socialism, everything GIVEN to you, because there will be no jobs, your working class jobs will all be done by robots! NO WALL, illegal immigrants, criminals of the lowest kind, and no one to stop them, because they will have better “rights” than you, the true Americans will have.

Who will be ruling your world? The Clinton family? Bill, Hillary, Chelsea? Or Nancy Pelosi and all her cohorts?

Will you remember all the freedoms we had? Will you be sorry you voted straight Democrat against our fine president, Donald J. Trump? I fear he may be the last of a dying breed or real Americans, true Americans …

We, of our generation, are becoming extinct, like the dinosaur, and you will have to live with what you’ve done to the greatest nation on God’s dear Earth.

I feel so sorry for you,

Ruthann Schlecht


P.S.: Obama called it the fundamental transformation of America!