Political distortion by the Democrat leaders
The word VERITAS in Latin means “truth.” The definition of the word truth in English is, “the property (as of a statement) of being in accord with conformity to fact, actuality, and reality of a situation. “The truth will set you free.”(John 8:31-32) Many times in history the truth has been slanted, twisted and distorted to work in favor of someone, or some radical group for the sole purpose of political gain. What better way to describe the resistance of most Democrats, like Schumer, Pelosi and Ocasio-Cortez, a socialist, who have argued vehemently against a wall to secure our southern border.
A perfect example of the slanting of truth for political gain was Speaker Pelosi’s remarks after two illegal immigrant children died from sickness at the border. She stated, “We have a moral obligation to protect the children at the border.” Oh, really Nancy? Does the liberal Democratic Party that supports abortion on demand, allowing children to be immorally slaughtered within the “borders” of their mother’s womb, now want to protect children?
Her deceitful, cunning, distorted double-talk was only meant for convenience to oppose the wall. Another disingenuous statement from her was requesting President Donald Trump to cancel the State of the Union speech because of the lack of security with the government shutdown.
Obviously the Democrats agree that a wall of security does indeed protect; but they are against a wall that would safeguard all Americans. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote extensively about immigration, “Countries have the right to secure and defend their borders. Man’s relations with foreigners are twofold: peaceful and hostile: and in directing both kinds of relation the law contained suitable precepts. Every nation has the right to decide which immigrants are beneficial, that is, ‘peaceful,’ to the common good. As a matter of self-defense, the state can reject those criminal elements, traitors, enemies and others who it deems harmful or ‘hostile’ to its citizens.”
In regards to not allowing noncitizens to participate in a country he wrote, “If foreigners were allowed to meddle with the affairs of a nation, many dangers might occur, since the foreigners not yet having the common good firmly at heart might attempt to do something hurtful to the people.”
What better way to define, with VERITAS, lawful immigration. All Americans should be very suspicious and vigilant as to where the liberal Democratic Party is leading our nation! Their lies, distortion and ungodly agenda, with media support, are slowly moving our country toward socialism. A recent article in The Hill was titled “America: The new Socialist frontier.” Walter Camier Weatherly