Danielle Derrickson
Change is inevitable with the start of a new year. On Monday, the Towamensing Township Board of Supervisors made some adjustments of their own during the annual reorganization meeting.
Penny Kleintop will retain her position as chairperson of the board of supervisors, as well as the position of treasurer.
Thomas Newman will continue to serve as the board’s vice-chair. Guy Seifert will remain the township’s supervisor.
Brenda Drew was not re-appointed as secretary. Kimberly Acierno will fill that position, as well as the positions of chief administrative officer for pension, planning commission secretary and open records officer.
Erica Everett declined the position of clerk, leaving the post vacant.
Other appointments are as follows:
Roadmaster: Scott Mosier
Township solicitor: Thomas Nanovic, Nanovic Law Offices
Zoning officer: Carl Faust, primary; Marjorie Faust, alternate
Uniform Building Code officer: Carl Faust
Uniform Building Code inspectors: Carl Faust, primary; Jim Melber, alternate
Township engineering firm: Carbon Engineering
Chairperson of Vacancy Board: Richard Workman
Sewage enforcement officers: Scott Bieber, primary; Charyn Ayoub
Flood plan administrator: Scott Bieber
Emergency management officer: Karl Verren
Emergency management assistant officer: Thomas Newman
Zoning Hearing Board solicitor: Jenny Cheng
Planning Commission solicitor: Jenny Cheng
Historic Commission members: Karl Rolappe, MaryBeth Beers, Roy Christman, Brenda Drew, Donald Bonett, Jack Branch
Agility Program watchdog: Richard Workman
Elected auditors: Eva Dugan, Andrew Batson, Michael S. George
Joint Board of Appeals representative: Greg Haas, primary; Mike Tirpak, alternate; Carl Faust, second alternate
Delegates to the Carbon County Tax Collection Committee: Thomas Newman and Guy Seifert
Delegate and attendee for State Convention: Scott Mosier
George Karas was re-appointed as Zoning Hearing Board chairperson for a 3-year-term. Robert O’Donnell was appointed as alternate.
Rick Mertz and Dwight Eisenhauer were re-appointed as Planning Commission members for 4-year-terms.
During the meeting, the supervisors also approve the treasurer's bond totaling $150,000, and a blanket bond totaling $25,000.
First Northern Bank was approved as the depository for the township’s garbage, general, and highway aid funds, as well as its payroll account. Mauch Chunk Trust Co. was approved as the depository for a general fund.
The supervisors approved a milage rate of 0.58 cents per mile.
Following its reorganization meeting, the Towamensing Board of Supervisors held their monthly supervisors’ meeting. Because of this, the board will not meet on Thursday, Jan. 10.
Robert O'Donnell, first assistant chief, gave a glimpse into the Towamensing Volunteer Fire Company’s 2018 at the township’s monthly supervisors’ meeting.
O'Donnell said the fire company received a total of 97 calls last year. He said calls were up 24 percent in comparison to the year before.
While on the subject of the fire company, O’Donnell was sure to highlight the organization’s monthly all-you-can-eat breakfast, which is scheduled for Sunday, Jan. 13. The most important meal of the day starts at 7 a.m.
In other news:
The board approved their annual donations, which includes $2,000 to the Valor Clinic Foundation, $4,000 to the Palmerton Area Library and $250 to Girl Scouts.
The board also approved a $50 fee increase to Scott Bieber’s perc test fee, raising it from $500 to $550.
Christmas tree pick up is set for Jan. 10.
The board wanted to remind residents that winter road maintenance takes precedence over garbage collection.
The Planning Commission’s meeting on Monday, Jan. 14 was relocated to the firehouse.
Meeting dates for 2019 were set as follows: supervisors’ meeting will be held on the first Thursday of each month, beginning at 7 p.m. Planning commission meetings will start at 7 p.m. on the second Monday of the month. The Recreation Board will meet on Apr. 18 and Dec. 19 at 7 p.m. The Historical Commission will meet the fourth Thursday of each month at 7 p.m.
Penny Kleintop, chairperson and treasurer, sits next to Thomas Newman, vice-chairperson. DANIELLE DERRICKSON/TIMES NEWS