Published December 22. 2018 07:16AM
Dear Editor,
Recently I have been the recipient of a small act of kindness. It caught me by surprise.
Two words in the lyrics of the song “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond came to mind, it felt “so good, so good.”
I appreciated my little gift so much, I turned around and did the same for a person by paying for his small container of takeout food at a grocery store.
Try it for yourself, it feels “so good, so good.”
Also, the group Coal Region Catholics for Change is sponsoring a Christmas program on WLSH 1410 AM at 1 p.m. this Saturday. It was produced years ago by St. Michael church choir of Lansford.
Enjoy your memories.
Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy new year to everyone.
God Bless,
Robert S. Hackash