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Old jail ghost tour raises $1,800 for Jim Thorpe police

A special Ghost Tours event in October at the Old Jail Museum in Jim Thorpe netted almost $2,000 in sales, which will be funneled to the Jim Thorpe Police Department through the town’s Community Watch program.

Blaine Dart, who works at the Old Jail Museum, presented a check Thursday for $1,855 to Jim Thorpe Police Chief Joe Schatz and Mayor Michael Sofranko.

The total includes 100 percent of sales from the tours, donations from Old Jail employees Margie Spokas and Mary Eulo, and a $100 donation from BTM Inc. in Jim Thorpe.

The Dart family said it wanted to hold the fundraiser after attending several Community Watch meetings and learning the police are always in need of fund to continue protecting the town and keeping officers safe.

“Supporting the police is important to us not only because the Jim Thorpe Police Department is an invaluable asset to our town, but also because our youngest son, Blake, has his sights set on one day becoming a K-9 officer,” said Peggy and Vince Dart, who attended Thursday’s council meeting.

Sofranko thanked the family for what he called, “a very worthwhile fundraiser.”

“It really makes you feel good to see a community business do this for the department,” he added.

The funds will be turned over to the Community Watch program.

“The Community Watch will work with the police department to determine how that money can be best be spent,” Sofranko said. “The chief and I will then bring that outcome back to council so everyone knows how that money will be spent.”

Council President Greg Strubinger said he hopes the contribution will lead to similar efforts throughout the community.

“It’s a wonderful act of kindness in support of the borough,” Strubinger said.

The Dart family, representing the Old Jail Museum in Jim Thorpe, donated $1,855 to the Jim Thorpe Community Watch program Thursday night. The money was raised through a special Ghost Tours event in October and will be used to support the Jim Thorpe Police Department. Pictured, from left, are Jim Thorpe Mayor Michael Sofranko, Blaine Dart, Jim Thorpe Police Chief Joe Schatz, Vince Dart and Peggy Dart. In front is Blake Dart. JARRAD HEDES/TIMES NEWS