Published November 24. 2018 08:07AM
Dear Readers:
Russia, Russia, Russia, the chorus cries. Look, folks … external meddling is merely a tactic of diversion. California, for instance, has 11 counties with more registered voters than eligible adults. Los Angeles County has a registration rate of 112 percent. In 2004, Brenda Snipes’ office (Broward County, Florida), “lost” 58,000 absentee ballots. In 2016, Snipes violated state and federal laws by illegally destroying ballots for the congressional race.
Election after election, boxes of Democrat ballots show up in counties like hers, run by Democratic election supervisors like her, to benefit Democratic candidates who, once they steal their opponent’s election night victory, will join the “media” chorus. Russia, Russia, Russia: warning of external meddling? Snipes just resigned, she should be jailed, but why not?
In 1982 the RNC and DNC entered into a consent decree which limits the RNC from investigating folks like Snipes … look it up! This is the reason there was no contest to the multiple districts in Cleveland and Philadelphia that had reported not a single vote for Mitt Romney! Not one?
You see folks, these Democrat strongholds don’t even have to pretend that the results aren’t rigged. But there’s good news. After being bound by a consent decree for 35 years, the Republican National Committee is now free to continue its “ballot security” campaign. It’s not the Russians, folks.
Mike Meyers,