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S. Hill church honors veterans

A Veterans Day tribute was held during the Sunday morning service at Hope of Christ Presbyterian Church in Summit Hill on Sunday.

Military veterans from all branches of the service and all the wars since and including World War II were represented.

Three military members also had active roles during the service. They are Stan Sczcecina, a Marine who presented the passing of the peace; Jim Roan, an Army veteran who gave the prayer for illumination, and Sam Reehl, an Army Reserve member, who read the moment of reflection.

Panther Valley JROTC members Aaron Eidem, Alexis Cooper, Hailey Duncan, Arianna Moser and Jacob Coombe presented the colors. Also in attendance was JROTC adviser Maj. Gerald New.

The church choir, led by David Perkins, sang a medley of themes of each military branch while veterans of those services were recognized. Perkins also led the singing of “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

The Rev. Ruth Ann Christopher, pastor of the church, delivered the sermon on working together. She told of accomplishments that can be achieved when people work together, adding that military members certainly know “the power of we.”

“So do the people who wrote the Constitution,” she said, noting it begins with “We the people.”

She said, “Imagine what Summit Hill, or better yet, the entire Panther Valley, could look like if we all worked together,” she said.

She based her sermon on the Old Testament book of Nehemiah and how it took working together to rebuild the destroyed walls protecting the city of Jerusalem.

Leading a unison prayer, Christopher said, “May war become unnecessary and oppression obsolete.”

The congregation joined in the singing of “God Bless America” and “America, the Beautiful.”

Hymns included “This is My Song,” “Thank You, Soldiers,” and “God of the Ages, Whose Almighty Hand.”

The Rev. Ruth Ann Christopher, left, pastor of Hope of Christ Presbyterian Church in Summit Hill, stands next to retired Army reservist Sam Reehl during a Veterans Day program at the church on Sunday. RON GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS