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Township at zero debt

Hanover Township (NC) Manager Jay Finnigan provided supervisors on Oct 9 with his proposed budget for 2019. For the 10th straight year, he recommends they hold the line on taxes. He has cut spending by $200,000 from this year. There are also no plans to borrow money for anything.

The township currently has zero debt.

The millage rate, which has remained the same since 2008 and includes a fire tax of 0.5 mills, will hold steady at 3.90 mills if Supervisors go along.

Part of the reason for a reduction in expenses is that Colonial Regional Police Department will be smaller as a result of the departure of Bath

Chairman John Diacogiannis announced that Hanover and Lower Nazareth townships have reached agreement in principle with the Colonial Regional Police Department on a new contract for the officers. He expects supervisors to vote on it at their Oct. 23 meeting.

Supervisor Jack Nagle is in China and was absent.

“He defected,” wisecracked Public Works Director Vince Milite.

Press photos by Bernie O’HareChairman John Diacogiannis expects a vote soon on new police association contract.
Manager Jay Finnigan’s recommended budget includes an increase for Bethlehem Area Public Library.