STUDENT PROFILE - Elisabeth Lee, Liberty HS
Grade: 12
Family members: Grace Kim (mother), Perry Lee (father), Theodore Lee (older brother) and Joshua Lee (younger brother).
Favorite subject(s): I really enjoyed the math and science classes at Liberty. I have found myself very interested and eager to learn in these classes.
Activities: I am the Senior School Board Representative and a captain of BASD Mini-Thon, an assistant editor for the school newspaper and a member of the GRASS club, Liberty Theatre, the vice president of National Honor Society. Outside of school, I do ballet and modern dance.
Next steps: I want to attend university and receive a degree at the master’s or doctorate level. I hope to continue to be a leader and serve in my community. I want to continue to engage myself within the arts at whichever university I attend.
Career goals: With my interest in the medical field, I hope to become a pharmacist, nurse, or physical therapist.
Heroes: Definitely my parents. They grew up as immigrants and faced many hardships. My parents have sacrificed so much for me and have provided me with a privileged childhood.
Hobbies: I like to sing, play my ukulele, or listen to music. I enjoy spending time outdoors whether its biking, hiking, or swimming.
Current job(s): I currently don’t have a job.
Volunteer/community work: I volunteered at St. Luke’s Hospital, with my church to do volunteer work and with organizations such as Trail Tenders, Feed the Children, Victory House and Cops ‘n’ Kids.
Likes: I love performing and dancing in front of people. I like to hike, go on adventures and travel. I also love helping my others in my community.
Dislikes: I dislike being unorganized; with my hectic schedule, I find it important to keep everything in order.
Greatest accomplishment: My greatest accomplishment was co-writing a book with my mother. Titled “Mother Daughter Speak,” it offers insight on these topics from a mother and daughter’s perspective. All topics are grounded by faith and relate to Christianity.
Advice for peers: I would definitely encourage my peers to take advantage of the resources school has to offer. My teachers and my school library have been the most beneficial to me. I am so grateful for every teacher who has offered time after school to help me; I found it so helpful to get more one-on-one communication. I think being involved at the school is so crucial to your high school career. Even if it is one club, it expands your interest for something and you are able to meet so many other individuals with the same passion. Also, I think the phrase “it’s never too early to start” is so important. Whether it is getting community service hours done or getting ahead on SAT/ACT prep, it’s always nice to get a head start on it if the time is available.
Julia Swan coordinates student profiles for the Bethlehem Press. Student profile subjects are selected by faculty and administration at the individual schools.