The flimflam man and forever neverland
Flimflam: generally deceiving or tricking and swindling someone. Neverland: an unrealistic utopia future or place. Forever neverland: a utopia that lasts forever. Unless you believe in fairy tales, forever neverland doesn’t exist; but the flimflam man does.
The flimflam man says if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, and if you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan and your premiums will be decreased by $2,400 per year. Every precondition will be covered for almost everyone, including many illegal immigrants … forever. That is the flimflam man at his best.
The reality: against opposition from many Republicans and all of the “resist everything” Trump Democrats, President Trump repealed the mandate for mandatory payments, even if you didn’t have a health care plan. Recently deceased John McCain prevented full repeal of Obamacare. Thank you, President Trump, for repealing the insidious mandate.
The new version of the flimflam man bemoans the loss of democracy and free speech. Ironically, flimflam outlawed the term Islamic terrorist and fought against Merry Christmas. Flimflam says to promote equality for all.
The reality: Islamic terrorists do exist but they are being eradicated and Americans no longer fear saying “Merry Christmas.” The shoe bomber laments and sisters of the poor rejoice. Thank you, President Trump, for defending free speech and purging the world of terrorists.
Flimflam and his ace associates (HRC and Susan Rice), told America Benghazi attacks were caused by a film produced about Muslims. The flimflam man had to dig deep to sell that story to neverland inhabitants.
The reality: flimflam and HRC initiated an unconstitutional war against Libya, and his administration was associated with alleged illegal gun running to terrorists through Libya. As HRC said, “at this point what difference does it make?” Answer: Four dead Americans!
The most important election in world history occurred in 2016. America and the world won. The second most important election happens this November. The battle rages on.
To permanently dismiss the flimflam man’s fantasy of forever neverland, we must vote. Americans alone with their vote have the power to make American great again.
Terry Watto