Published September 08. 2018 07:24AM
West Penn Township supervisors took the following action on Tuesday:
• Agreed to have township engineer Bill Anders come up with a grant application for a Department of Conservation and Natural Resources grant. The township would have to come up with a 50 percent match.
• Agreed to ask Josh Cramer, the owner of the rail right of way, to donate a railroad right of way that is connected to a railroad right of way that East Penn Township had acquired from Cramer. The land is located in East Penn Township. The donation would be 5.9 acres and would connect East Penn’s rail right of way and end at Quarry Road.
• Accepted the resignation of part-time police officer Richton Penn from the township’s police department.
• Per the recommendation of the township’s planning commission, approved, on a 2-1 vote, with board Chairman Tony Prudenti opposed, a modification for the final minor subdivision plan for Charles and Jean Snyder. The board also granted conditional approval of the Snyder final minor subdivision plan.
• Per the recommendation of the township’s planning commission, approved the Tercha final minor subdivision/annexation plan, and granted conditional approval of the plan.
• Granted conditional approval of the Lengel minor final subdivision, and also granted conditional approval of the Lengel minor final subdivision.
• Announced that a budget workshop will be held after the board’s Sept. 17 meeting.