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Pleasant Valley open Tuesday; mold remediation in progress

Pleasant Valley superintendent David Piperato tweeted Monday night that the district is ready to begin the new school year and that all of the buildings with the exception of Pleasant Valley Intermediate School have been cleared of mold and will be open to students as of Tuesday morning.

He added that remediation at PVI continues with a crew of 95 workers on site.

There were three large tractor trailers, multiple vans and trucks from Belfor Property Restoration on site late this evening as work continues at the school.

While PVI remains closed the district will work on a two-day rotation schedule at Pleasant Valley Elementary School. The schedule which was released over the weekend is as follows:

Aug. 28 and 29 – PVE students report to PVE

Aug. 30 – PVI students report to PVI

Aug. 31 and Sept. 3 – No school in session

If needed, the schedule will continue as follows:

Sept. 4 – PVI students report to PVE

Sept. 5 and 6 – PVE students report to PVE

Sept. 7 and 10 - PVI students report to PVE

Sept. 11 and 12 – PVE students report to PVE

Sept. 13 and 14 – PVI students report to PVE

Parents are encouraged to continue to monitor the website and social media for updates. The district will also use ConnectEd to deliver any updates.

Photo taken outside Pleasant Valley Intermediate at 6:30 p.m. on Monday shows that work is continuing beyond normal work hours to get the mold removed from the school so that students and staff can return to the building. JUDY DOLGOS-KRAMER/TIMES NEWS