Published August 10. 2018 01:12PM
According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform as reported by Judicial Watch in 2017, American taxpayers shell out $116 billion annually for education, medical, law enforcement and welfare for more than 12.5 million illegal aliens and 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member.
According to the Democrats, that is not nearly enough. They want open borders. Democrats also want to abolish ICE, our immigration law enforcers. They want to abolish prisons and the police. Maybe then, they will come after our guns.
They want free college and free health care for all. Will our country be recognizable? Better yet, will we still have a country? The new Socialist Democratic Party has gone off the rails.
Meanwhile, President Trump continues to “Make America Great Again,” delivering what he promised every single day. You wouldn’t know it though if you listen to the 92 percent negative fake news media coverage. America First!
Wanda Dietz
Franklin Township