Published June 25. 2018 12:50PM
To those who say that people are trying to take your guns away — I say grow up — or are you too stupid to realize you’re wrong? All they are saying is there is no reason civilians should own automatic weapons, or semiautomatics, silencers or bumpstocks. These are the people killers.
Also, I believe if a parent lets his kid get a gun and it is used to kill people, that parent should go to jail with his kid. Right now it is safer to join the military than it is to go to school. We’re killing the future of this country. This “do-nothing” Congress doesn’t seem to care. I think if they don’t want to do something about guns, vote them out.
Plus, the president said, “Don’t be afraid of the NRA.” They had a meeting and things changed his mind. (All bark — no bite). Students! If you’re old enough — VOTE! Your fellow students are dying. It’s up to you. Now that I got that off my chest, that’s it for now. This most likely will end up in the garbage anyway.
Robert SiesputowskI
Summit Hill