Nesquehoning VFW Auxiliary meets
The regular monthly meeting of the Nesquehoning Memorial Auxiliary to VFW Post 8008 was held on June 8. Sr. Vice President Tony DeMarco presided at the session.
General orders 11 were read and filed for action. Under Veterans and Family Support, 58 cards were sent, along with three books of stamps.
Community service hours were 40. Under Legislation, several members reported emails received from legislators, the VFW Action Corps and petitions or letters signed on line regarding upcoming bills affecting veterans.
Four members attended the JROTC Awards Ceremony on May 30.
A discussion was held regarding the Voice of Democracy and Patriots Pen Programs. Efforts will be made to make the schools, teachers and students more aware of the programs, the rules and the awards available.
Post and Auxiliary 8008 hosted the District 20 Convention on May 20.
Three members accepted offices for the 2018-19 year; Maureen Hirochek, junior vice president; Christa Kattner, conductress; and Cheri Santore, three-year trustee.
Hirochek had the honor of installing the district officers. All were thanked for their assistance in Installation ceremonies, outlying cemetery visits and the annual Memorial Day parade.
The Department of Pennsylvania Convention will be held in Gettysburg June 13-16; the local unit will be represented.
A donation was made for two prizes on the Veterans Day parade ticket; Lansford will host the parade this year.
The Hometown Heroes project is complete for this year and all banners were up for Memorial Day.
The Auxiliary will celebrate its 70-year anniversary on Feb. 16, 2019. Discussion on plans for this event will be discussed at the next meeting.
The next meeting will be held on Aug. 10, time and place to be announced. There will be no meeting in July.