Published May 31. 2018 11:04AM
Join Turn To Us to celebrate life after cancer on National Cancer Survivors Day this Sunday with an Ice Cream Social.
The event will take place from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Lehighton Outdoor Center, 123 Lehigh Drive, Lehighton, on the bypass across from Dominos.
Anyone living with a history of cancer — from the moment of diagnosis through the remainder of life — is a cancer survivor, as defined by the National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation.
On Sunday, thousands of people around the world will gather to celebrate life after cancer. National Cancer Survivors Day is the day each year that we pause to honor those who are living with a history of cancer for their strength and courage.
It is also a day to acknowledge the contributions of their families, friends and health care providers, as well as those engaged in cancer research.
For millions of people living with cancer, National Cancer Survivors Day is a treasured Celebration of Life observed annually on the first Sunday in June.
Those planning to attend should reserve their free ticket so organizers know how much ice cream and toppings to have available.
The outdoor center’s snack bar and gift shop will be open.
For questions or to reserve your free tickets, call Alicia at 570-732-4220 or visit