Published May 25. 2018 02:45PM
Lehighton Area Middle School’s seventh-grade life science teacher Joseph Yescavage’s class raised trout from eggs as part of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission’s “Trout in the Classroom” project, thanks to help from the Pohopoco Road and Gun Club. They released the brook trout fingerlings earlier this week into the Mahoning Creek.
Photos by Bob Ford/Times News
Brook trout fingerlings swim in a bucket prior to their release. Scan this photo with the Prindeo app for a gallery of the event.
Seventh-grader Ian Rarick scoops brook trout from a bucket to be released into the Mahoning Creek surrounded by his Lehighton Area Middle School classmates. Rarick was one of the students responsible for testing the water and tracking and charting the results in Joseph Yescavage’s life science class.
Mae Marks prepares to release brook trout fingerlings into the Mahoning Creek that her seventh-grade life science class raised from eggs.
Lehighton Area Middle School fifth-grader Asa Andrew wades into the Mahoning Creek with a cup holding brook trout fingerlings to be released.
Ashlyn Popovich and Mae Marks scoop brook trout from a bucket to be released into the Mahoning Creek.