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A look back: May 8, 1976

Six men, including a Coaldale native, will be ordained priests in the five-county Diocese of Allentown on Saturday, May 15, in the Allentown Cathedral of St. Catharine of Siena.

Bishop Joseph McShea will conduct the ordination of the new priests.

Among them is the Rev. Thomas Derzack of 107 W. High St., Coaldale, a member of SS. Cyril and Methodius parish in that community.

The other five men are the Rev. Thomas Buckley, Philadelphia; the Rev. Kenneth Devlin, New Philadelphia; the Rev. Stephen Maco, Bethlehem; the Rev. William Onushco, Schuylkill Haven; and the Rev. Joseph Sobiesiak, Cherryville, the latter being a member of St. Nicholas Parish, Berlinsville.