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It’s time to register for Shawnee’s theatrical summer camp program

The Shawnee Theatrical Arts Resource School, or S.T.A.R.S., offers a channel for a child’s natural gifts of imagination and role-playing.

Through theater arts, children sharpen their creativity, improve their communication skills, gain self-confidence and learn the importance of teamwork. Above all, children enjoy becoming a part of the magic that they create on the stage.

The S.T.A.R.S. program offers children an introduction to many aspects of theater through stage movement, dance, music, art, creative games, role-play and scene study.

The Shawnee summer camps reflect the shows produced during the summer season. This summer it will offer camps for “Honk Jr.,” “Pirates of Penzance,” “Willy Wonka Jr.,” “Footloose” and Disney’s “The Lion King Experience.”

Young performers will learn about acting, theater etiquette, terminology, costuming and makeup. The campers will then join our staged production and be in a performance that coincides with the camp that they are in.

Class size is limited, please register as soon as possible

Registration and payment must be submitted before the class begins.

For information and registration, visit www.TheShawneePlayhouse.com or contact the playhouse box office at 570-421-5093.

Past Shawnee Theatrical Arts Resource School summer camp students in costume and makeup for “Cats.” CONTRIBUTED PHOTO