Published February 13. 2018 03:27PM
Jim Thorpe school board members don’t have to pass a final budget until June, but they know that any possible tax increase won’t be more than 2.9 percent.
The board approved a resolution Monday night stating that they will not exceed the state’s property tax rate index for the 2018-19 school year.
The district’s tax rate has been 45.52 mills for more than five years.
By Feb. 14, all Pennsylvania school districts are required to approve a preliminary budget, or an “opt-out” resolution, meaning they won’t raise taxes above the index.
Schools can only exceed the index to cover retirement contributions, special education and construction expenses.
School districts must approve a final budget by June 30.
The board voted unanimously to approve the resolution, with Michael Principe and Clement McGinley absent.
In other business:
• The board agreed to seek bids for four new vehicles, and list two vans for sale. The vehicles put up for sale, a 2005 van and a 2000 wheelchair bus, have not passed inspection for more than a year.
• The board approved an unpaid leave of absence for an employee until the next board meeting. No further details were available.
• The board approved the resignation of cheerleading coach Julie Romanisko, effective April 2. She served as head coach for eight years and assistant coach for 20 years prior. They also voted to seek applicants for a new coach.
• The board voted to approve Lehigh Carbon Community College’s 2018-19 budget, with a $10,101 (4.2 percent) reduction in the district’s sponsor allocation.
• Superintendent Brian Gasper presented data on the number of students who transferred to a cyber school or home schooling in the district over the past two years.