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Mahoning passes budget with no tax increase

Mahoning Township’s board of supervisors passed a balanced budget with no tax increase for 2018 during Thursday’s meeting.

The 2018 budget total matched $2,707,310 in expenses and revenue, with Chairman Franklin Ruch reporting that no increases were necessary.

The 2018 tax levy was also passed, with rates equivalent to last year. The levy includes 4.25 mills for the general fund, 0.5 mills for roads, 0.5 mills for the fire department, and 0.25 mills for the building and land fund.

That means that a homeowner will again pay the same amount in taxes as this year.

In other news, Secretary-Treasurer Natalie Haggerty reported that the township has lost its workers’ compensation coverage for 2018 due to a high loss ratio.

Haggerty said that broker H.A. Thomson is currently looking for a new carrier, with an estimated operating budget of about $84,500.

Under a “worse-case scenario,” though, the township would be able to spend just under $114,000, filling the expense gap with unappropriated funds.

“This is just a guesstimate,” Haggerty said. “Hopefully, someone will be able to pick us up at $84,500.”

Other business

The board, by the request of Supervisor Bruce Steigerwalt, asked Haggerty to send a letter to the Municipal Authority in regard to their procedure for filling vacancies.

Steigerwalt suggested that the Municipal Authority should provide the board of supervisors with recommendations for vacancies, which the board would authorize with final approval. Previous vacancies were filled at the discretion of the Municipal Authority itself.

The James and Christina Salerno minor subdivision received conditional plan approval, provided that a few issues are addressed appropriately.

Steigerwalt said that he had received an email stating that half of the conditions had already been resolved by the meeting, though measures regarding two concrete monuments, mylar, the receipt of recreations fees, and the payment of any and all review fees have yet to be addressed.