Published December 14. 2017 02:45PM
Girl Scout Troop 33 members, from left, Morgan Shaffer, Ava Serfass, Kairi Stashefski and Ali Linko belt out Christmas carols at the Lehighton Hi-Rise on Wednesday. Girl Scout Troop 33 joined the Lehighton Area Pool Pals in performing their traditional Christmas caroling at the hi-rise for its residents to enjoy. Scan this photo with the Prindeo app for a video and photo gallery. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS
Girl Scout Troop 33 members, from left, Morgan Shaffer, Ava Serfass, Kairi Stashefski and Ali Linko belt out Christmas carols at the Lehighton Hi-Rise on Wednesday. Girl Scout Troop 33 joined the Lehighton Area Pool Pals in performing their traditional Christmas caroling at the hi-rise for its residents to enjoy. Scan this photo with the Prindeo app for a video and photo gallery. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS