Slatington Elementary hosts 37th annual Holiday Program for senior citizens
The cold, drab weather made things somewhat frightful Tuesday morning.
However, the sights, sounds and smells that emanated from inside Slatington Elementary School were indeed so delightful.
At least that was the case for the 142 senior citizens who attended the school’s 37th annual Senior Citizens Holiday Program and Holiday Dinner.
Students and faculty hosted the program, which consisted of music, poems and jokes from students, along with a turkey dinner for lunch.
Many of the senior citizens, who reside in nursing homes and assisted living in the Northern Lehigh area, were transported by school buses to the school.
They were greeted by the Northern Lehigh Elementary Chorus, who performed for the senior citizens upon their arrival.
Principal Scott Pyne welcomed those in attendance.
The program started with the fifth grade, which sang “Frosty the Snowman” and “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” and then read the poem “Snowball” by Shel Silverstein.
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Afterward, the fifth-and sixth-grade band performed “The Good King Rocks” by Timothy Johnson, as well as “Jingling and Jollying,” by Steven Jonkman, and conducted by sixth-grade drum major Delaney Szwast.
From there, the sixth grade sang “Feliz Navidad,” read the poem “Merry Christmas,” and sang “Christmas, Baby Please Come Home.”
New Superintendent Matthew Link then briefly introduced himself to those in attendance.
“This is amazing,” Link said. “I can’t wait to be here in January.”
Next, the Trebel Makers performed.
They were followed by the third grade, who sang “Penguin Polka;” read the poem “Holiday Lights,” and sang “Santa Is My Buddy.”
The entertainment component of the program wrapped up with the fourth grade singing “Marshmallow World” and “Jingle Bell Rock.”
That was followed by the luncheon held upstairs, which saw senior citizens receive a full turkey dinner with all the fixings, dessert and coffee, a child-made ornament and place mat.
David Altrichter of Slatington said he was impressed with the program.
“This is just fantastic,” Altrichter said. “To come here and see the type of program, overall, it was very impressive.”
Special thanks were sent out to the Treble Makers and James Schnyderite, Northern Lehigh Elementary Chorus, Jason Check for playing the part of Santa, as well as all the parents, teachers, administrators, secretaries, custodians, cafeteria workers, bus drivers and volunteers for making the day successful.