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Slatington plans tree lighting, breakfast with Santa

The Slatington Merchants Group is inviting everyone to join in the holiday spirit with its December’s First Friday, “Christmas on Main Street.”

Partnering with the Greater Northern Lehigh Chamber of Commerce, the group will host its event beginning at 4 p.m. Friday.

Preceding the holiday cheer a Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting ceremony will take place at the new John Freed Way, located between West Church Street and Long Alley at 4:30 p.m.

John Freed Way has been in the works since April of 2017 and will open parking to residents and visitors. The way is named after lifelong borough resident John Freed, who dedicated time and energy to the borough.

Local businesses will offer holiday treats, including Charlotte Fay’s Main Street Dinner’s special dinner menu with hot chocolate and live music.

Carolers are invited to gather at the diner at 5:45 p.m., and walk to the Veterans Memorial Park for the 7 p.m. annual tree lighting.

During the First Friday many local businesses will have special offers including the historic library’s story time with Santa along with providing light refreshments and small tokens for children in attendance.

The festivities will continue on into Veterans Memorial Park where free crafts, carols and the tree lighting with Santa will take place at 7 p.m.

After the tree lighting, everyone is invited into St. John’s UCC Fellowship Hall across the street for socializing and a photo opportunity with Santa.

Unwrapped toys for the “Toys for Tots” campaign will be collected during the traditional tree lighting evening.

This is free and open to the public event.

Following the Friday night event, the Northern Lehigh Education Foundation will host a Breakfast with Santa from 8:30 to 11 a.m. Friday at the Peters Elementary School.

The foundation’s annual Breakfast with Santa is a holiday fundraiser, with a “winter wonderland,” including crafts, face painting, games and a hot breakfast.

Children in attendance will have the opportunity to share their “Christmas List,” with Santa himself during this event.

A Chinese auction will be held at 10:30 a.m. during this event.

The cost of admittance is $10 with children age 4 and under free of charge.

All proceeds raised benefit the nonprofit foundation.

Early registration is encouraged. To register visit site: http://www.nlsdef.org

For more information and updates, visit the Slatington Merchants Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/MainStreetSlatington.

Slatington Borough will host its annual tree lighting at 7 p.m. Friday in Veteran’s Memorial Park. KELLEY ANDRADE/TIMES NEWS
The Borough of Slatington will host its First Friday this week with holiday festivities and local business events from 4 to 7 p.m.