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Truck loses brakes, crashes in Lower Towamensing

An operator of a tri-axle dump truck was injured Friday afternoon when involved in a crash in Lower Towamensing Township.

The crash occurred as the driver was traveling north on Blue Mountain Drive and had just crested the top of the Blue Mountain.

As the truck began to descend the north face of the mountain the driver realized he had no brakes.

He rode the mountain to the intersection with Little Gap Road where the truck rolled spilling 22 tons of asphalt.

The driver was treated at the scene and transported to an area hospital.

State police at Lehighton are investigating the incident.

Lower Smith Gap Road in Lower Towamensing Township was closed Friday afternoon after a tri-axle rolled over. The driver was reported to be injured. COPYRIGHT LARRY NEFF/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
Contents of the truck spilled onto the road in Lower Towamensing.