PLCB invites students to enter annual Alcohol Awareness Poster Contest
In an effort to continue the dialogue about the dangers of underage drinking, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board is encouraging students from across the commonwealth to participate in the 26th annual Alcohol Awareness Poster Contest.
“Data is showing that alcohol exposure and trial are starting younger and younger, with kids as young as 8 years old trying a drink and even drinking on a somewhat regular basis,” said PLCB Chairman Tim Holden.
“It’s important for parents and educators to begin talking with children early and often about alcohol, and this poster contest is a fun and creative way to begin those conversations.”
The contest is open to all Pennsylvania students in kindergarten through 12th grade, including those who are home-schooled or in private or parochial schools. Students may enter through their schools, clubs, Scout troops or individually.
Entries must feature a clear no-use message about underage drinking and may be created using any artistic medium. Students are encouraged to use positive messages and images, such as the benefits of being alcohol free or alternatives to underage drinking.
Each year, approximately 50 posters are selected by a panel of judges for recognition. Each artist who creates a selected poster will be notified of his or her accomplishment and invited to attend a recognition ceremony in Harrisburg in April 2018, which is Alcohol Awareness Month.
Several students will receive $100, and one student from each grade (K-12) will receive $50. Some of the winning designs may be reproduced in various formats and distributed across Pennsylvania.
Entries must be postmarked no later than Nov. 17.
For additional information about submission dates, guidelines and prizes, review the contest guidelines and entry form available at under “Education,” then “Poster Contest.”
New this year, the PLCB is also providing a sample lesson plan, which educators are encouraged to use in guiding and teaching students about the dangers of underage drinking.
Questions about the contest may be directed to 717-772-1432 or