Published September 19. 2017 12:26PM
Tamaqua Area School Board's education committee recently recommended approving the following district testing:
• High school testing: ASVAB, PSAT, Keystone and AP.• Middle school testing: PSSA ELA, grades 6-8; PSSA Math, grades 6-8; PSSA Science, grade 8; and Keystone Algebra I.• Elementary testing: Pearson Benchmarking, DIBELS testing, grades kindergarten through second, and Star testing, grades 3-5.Superintendent Ray Kinder said that each year district administration asks the board to approve the typical standardized tests that are performed by the students of the district."They include state-required testing such as Keystone Exams and PSSA tests, along with items such as DIBELS tests that assess a student's levels before the onset of their educational experience," Kinder said. "At times, other testing measures may be used if determined to be valuable, however these exams are common ones that take place for the most part on a yearly basis."In other actionThe board's finance committee recommended approval:• Of the second reading of the point-of-sale policy.• Of the superintendent to sign electronic agreements with the state Department of Education.The board's auxiliary committee recommended approval:• Of dispensing of the 2017-18 student flu vaccine to be provided by Health Hero LLC.• A staff flu clinic provided by Walmart.• The first reading of a wellness policy.• To place a resolution on the agenda of the Sept. 19 board meeting to approve signage for Sadowski Orthodontics for the Rush field.The board's education committee recommended approval:• For the special education director, and Jessica Mazaika, high school special education teacher, for an out-of-state trip to the National Autism Conference in New Orleans,Sept. 6-10, paid for by an Achieve Grant.Also on Tuesday, the board heard a presentation from the Nutrition Group on food service.