Published September 16. 2017 09:02AM
Madelyn Dolinsky, a junior majoring in biology at Wilkes University, attended the Ornithological Congress of the Americas Conference in August. Dolinsky joined her professor,Jeffrey Stratfordin Iguazu Falls, Argentina, where they participated in the poster session to present research that was conducted at the university.
"Increasing Warm Season Grasses Does Not Increase Avian Species Richness" was the title of their poster. Research conducted determined that maximizing plant diversity does not necessarily maximize diversity of avian species.Dolinsky, who works at Wilkes as a research leader, followed the wood thrush population in Pennsylvania, monitored nests to determine causes of decreasing population, and performed DNA bar coding. Along with presenting their findings, participants attended other informational sessions and activities about avian species. Other stops on the trip included Santiago, Chile; Lima, Peru; and Buenos Aires, Argentina.Madelyn is the daughter of Rick and Michelle Dolinsky of Hometown.