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Palmerton Area Democrats to meet Tuesday

William F. Hanley, Senior Economic Development Specialist from Congressman Matt Cartwright's office,and William J. Richards, district director for state Sen. John Yudichak's Jim Thorpe office,will be the featured speakers at the opening meeting of the Palmerton Area Democratic Club at 7

p.m.Tuesday, at the Palmerton Hotel, 302 Delaware Ave., Palmerton."Our Legislators - How Do We Make Them Listen?!" will be the topic of the evening. This meeting is free and open to the public.This meeting will be preceded by asocial hour, cash bar and optional dinner beginning at 6 p.m.Contact reservations coordinator Susan Olivia, at

solivia@ptd.net or 610-826-7975, to reserve and pre-orderdinner.Meetings are the second Tuesday of the month, from September through May, at the Palmerton Hotel. Newcomers are welcome.For more information, contact Club President Sarina Berlow at 610-597-0106, or
