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Police: Girl, 14, made threats

A 14-year-old Andreas girl faces charges in juvenile court after threatening another teen over a boy.

The 16-year-old victim's mother contacted police on Sept. 3 about a Facebook message containing a threat.The message, from the 14-year-old, said she was outside the victim's home and had a gun. She threatened to "blow out her brains" if she (the victim) didn't stop dating a certain boy. She also said her aunt was there to beat up the girl's mother.Police contacted the 14-year-old's mother, who agreed to take her daughter to the police station. She was unaware of the threats her daughter was making.After being read her Miranda rights, the girl said the boy in question was her ex-boyfriend and she just "flipped out in the heat of the moment."Juvenile authorities were contacted and will determine what charges to file.