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East Penn reports on roadwork progress

East Penn Township continues to iron out its bumpy roadways.

During the monthly board meeting, resident Loretta Smith thanked the board for filling in the potholes on Blue Mountain Road while board member Steven Heckman told residents Stone Mountain Road has been completed along with West Bowmans Road."The tar and chipping is complete," he said."We did the sweeping and cold patching. Regular grass mowing is in full swing right now and we are doing the shoulder cutting," he said.Heckman asked residents to be extra careful driving around the township while the maintenance continues."Be aware the big boom mower will be out," he said.Bake Oven Road design has been submitted to the Conservation Commission to see if it qualifies for grant funding."It will be voted on Sept. 28," he said.Heckman said the township's road crew has laid down more than 1,684 tons of asphalt."Breaking the 1,200 tons previous record. When all is said and done, this year it will be 2,000 tons of asphalt on the roadways," he said.Evergreen and Eidem road conditions were discussed regarding the future foundation of the roadways."We should make an attempt to turn Evergreen back to macadam. We spent a lot to get macadam there," Supervisor Jon Strockoz said."Eidem Road definitely needs something done. It was macadam once, now we are going backward," he said.Chairman William Schwab agreed, adding, "It's probably a two-year project. Let's see what it costs first," he said.The township may soon see a new additional Uniform Construction Code Inspector.At present Carl Faust holds the position along with being the zoning officer and building code officer."We've had complaints. Let's be blunt," Schwab said."We had a complaint tonight," Heckman said."I do think for the new year, we should consider opening it up to others," Supervisor Deanna Cunfer said."We could add another UCC inspector," Schwab said."When I was on the board last time, that was my motion because we had complaints," he said."This is not about taking enforcement away, just giving people a choice for inspector," Schwab said.Heckman made a motion to advertise for an additional inspector, with the board unanimously agreeing.The board also voted to open up the bidding floor to other insurance companies in the upcoming year."We've had the same insurance broker for 10 years," he said."We haven't shopped around in a while. My feeling is bid it out and see if we can do better," Schwab said.Ashfield Post Office has long held a lease in the township's building at a flat rate of $9,500.As the lease closes in on its expiration date, the board voted not to renew the lease agreement at the current rate."We need to renegotiate it," Schwab said."The rent hasn't been raised in 15 years," he said.The board informed residents that Faust has filed three separate civil complaints on the township's behalf.The first is for Laurel Spring Road, where a resident has several unregistered vehicles. The second is on Berger Creek Road for failing to contact the board on enforcement issues. The third is on Ben Salem Road where the Adams Racing Horse Facility has "been disturbed with piles of dirt. It's been done without permit and the DEP along with conservations district has requested we cite them," Schwab said.The board also voted to abolishthe position of social hall administrator while the fate of the building hangs in the balance."We will hire Loretta (Smith) to help on a temporary basis, as needed, for $15 an hour," Schwab said.The board will work to sell surplus items from the social hall at the second Council of Governments auction on Sept. 30 at the municipal building.The township will host its second Cleanup and Freecycle day on Oct. 14 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the municipal building at 167 Municipal Road, Lehighton. Residents will have a chance to unload old electronics, tires or donate gently used working items during this event.The annual trick-or-treat/trunk-or-treat night will be held the Wednesday before Halloween this year in the township. That date is Oct. 25.