Published September 07. 2017 02:46PM
Bowmanstown Borough Council President Kara Scott began the council's monthly meeting Thursday discussing the topic of trash collection.
The council has taken bids on new companies in hopes to better regulate the pricing of the service over the past few weeks.Before council began voting, a group of Bowmanstown residents voiced a message opposing a change in their current trash services.Advanced Disposal has been the borough's collection company for many years and did a great job, taking everything that was put out for trash, residents said.Tamaqua Transfer, a local waste company, was described as the favorite to replace Advanced Disposal based on price and efficiency.Council asked Larry Wittig, a Tamaqua Transfer representative, to join the meeting to ease any concern during the change."I can't promise my workers will never make a mistake, but I can promise I will be available at all hours to handle any problems that might arise," Wittig said.This change in trash collection will not only be cheaper for residents but will also be better regulated by the council.Tamaqua Transfer will have a five-year contract with the borough and will take over responsibility of trash collection Oct. 1.The next topic discussed at the meeting was that of upcoming road repairs.As winter approaches along with the end of the road paving season, the council has developed a plan to make the roads drivable until the spring.The plan is to create paved cartways, 11-12 foot of centered paved driving lanes, on all of the streets in the worst condition.The following streets will receive the roadwork: Craig, Pine, Mill, Sander, Spring, Forge and Lincoln.The improvements will be planned based on the conditions of each road starting from with the ones in the worst condition.Lastly, the council has announced that this year's trick or treat night will be taking place Oct. 31, Halloween night.