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'As the Matzo Ball Turns' hits the stage

After making its stage debut, "As The Matzo Ball Turns - The Musical," will roll its way into the Philadelphia Fringe Festival this week.

Startingat 7 p.m. today and running until Sunday, Gene Duffy's musical will be performed at the Independence Seaport Museum, 211 S. Columbus Blvd., Philadelphia in the annual performing arts festival."Producing an original musical has been nothing short of a herculean effort, and this may be the first one ever created in the area. At least, one this ambitious with its sights set on New York," Duffy said."As the Matzo Ball Turns - The Musical" is based on a book written by Duffy about his travels and tales in Hollywood on a journey to make it in the show business. The musical was five years in the making before it entertained audiences on the Jim Thorpe High School stage in January.The musical is produced byDuffy, Sara Viteri and Kate Hughes.Since its opening, the group has released the "Original Cast CD"and was selected by Deb Miller of DC Metro Theater Arts as a "top pick" for the festival.The show takes place at the Independent Seaport Museumat 7 p.m. today,as well as 1 and 7 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday.The Fringe Festival is a 16-day-long performing arts celebration that takes over Philadelphia every September. It hosts hundreds of performances by international, national and Philadelphia-based artists, presented by FringeArts.Tickets are available at

www.FringeArts.com/416 at the door, cash only.

Copyright 2017