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Annual prayer day to be held Saturday

A Jim Thorpe area church will be holding a day of prayer this Saturday in Jim Thorpe.

The Calvary Chapel of the Poconos in Albrightsville will hosts its fourth annual Day of Truth in Josiah White Park from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.Gilbert Henry, deacon of the church, said the event is a "family-oriented gathering of like-minded Christians who want to be a blessing to their community.""We have live music, we set up a prayer tent, give out free Bibles, we have children's and adult literature," he said, noting that the day will center around praying for all those who need prayer. "It's one day a year where our church goes into a public forum and we proclaim the love of Christ to anyone who wants to hear it."There are so many people who are hurting today. We just want to pray for you."In addition, there will be a collection for Samaritan's Purse to help the storm victims of Hurricane Harvey, Henry said.Earlier this week, there was some confusion regarding the Day of Truth event, because it was circulated that there is a hate group on the Internet with the same name. This raised concerns with some citizens and organizations that the event was not what it seemed.But after much discussion with the parties involved, as well as the county commissioners and the church, all misunderstandings were put to rest early Thursday."It was a mix up and everything is worked out," Henry said, pointing out that he had never even heard of the hate group until the event was questioned earlier this week. "There is no issue. There's not going to be any issues. We're just going to be there serving our fellow man."Commissioners' Chairman Wayne Nothstein echoed Henry's thoughts, saying that the county would never allow for a hate group to utilize the park for an event of any kind."There was confusion," he said, "But everything has been cleared up."