Tamaqua news
Crime Watch
Tamaqua resident Blaine "Butch" Smith is hoping to revive Tamaqua's dormant Crime Watch organization and has scheduled a public meeting with Schuylkill County District Attorney Christine Holman.The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Sept. 6 at the Tamaqua Community Art Center, 125 Pine St.The group is being re-formed in an effort to help fight the growing drug abuse problem as well as reduce crime and provide an overall better quality of life for residents. Smith hopes to hold regularly scheduled meetings and has created a Facebook page - Tamaqua Area "Crime Watch" - to help gather support and members.Anyone interested is welcome to attend the Sept. 6 meeting.Rush-Ryan seniorsThe Rush, Ryan and Delano Senior Citizens Inc. met Aug. 22 at the Ryan Township Fire Company with 50 in attendance. President Bill Morrison conducted the business session and provided the inspirational reading "Each Morning."Doris Yeager and Grace Sakusky were added to the sick list. New member Kim Usalis was given a warm welcome and Gloria Gerhart was congratulated on her recent birthday.Joan Breslin will be the guest speaker at the next meeting. She will provide information on the Schuylkill Transportation System. Schuylkill County District Attorney Christine Holman will be the guest speaker on Oct. 10.The annual Christmas party is scheduled for noon Dec. 17 at Capriotti's in McAdoo.The group meets the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at the Ryan Township Fire Company in Barnesville. The next meeting will be held on Sept. 5.Anyone 55 or older is welcome to join.Kids arts and craftsThe Tamaqua Community Art Center is sponsoring a series of varied arts and crafts sessions for children, starting on Sept. 13.The sessions will be held every Wednesday, from 6 to 7 p.m., through Nov. 29.For more information, or to register, call 570-668-11092.The art center is located at 125 Pine St.Calvary LewistownAll services and activities for Calvary United Methodist Church in the Lewistown Valley will be held at the Lewistown Valley Tabernacle through Labor Day.The Rev. Phillip Sabas will officiate at the 10:25 a.m. worship service this Sunday. Sunday school classes meet at 10:25 a.m.The 104th Annual Camp meeting and services are being held through Sept. 4.Special concerts will include "The Witness" at 2:30 p.m. on Sept. 3 and "Mended Heart" at 2:30 p.m. on Sept. 4. Evangelists the Rev. Jeff and Jeanie Shelburne will provide music and word ministry for most of the services, as well as present a concert the evening of Sept. 2. Jennifer McDonald will be the featured speaker for Missionary Night on Aug. 30.Pie and coffee will be served following the evening service on Sept. 1, a hot dog roast will be held Sunday evening, and food and refreshments will be available all day on Sept. 4.Zion LewistownPastor Jim Williams will officiate at the 10:30 a.m. service this Sunday at Zion Church, Lewistown Valley. Sunday school is scheduled for 9:15 a.m.The Guild will meet at 7 p.m. Sept. 7.Valley Christian preschool's opening days are Sept. 5 and 6.St. John LutheranThe Rev. Phyllis Wolford will officiate at this Sunday's 9:15 a.m. worship service in St. John's Lutheran Church.This Sunday's service will include Holy Communion.Also on Sunday, the bell choir will meet after the service.Next week's activities include: Tuesday, worship and music committee meets at 6:30 p.m.; Thursday, angel choir practices at 6 p.m., shepherd choir rehearses at 6:30 p.m., chancel choir meets at 7:30 p.m.Volunteers are needed from 9 a.m. to noon on Sept. 9 to clean up the church grounds.Contact Kathy Kunkel at 570-668-1250 or
kkunkel@tnonline.com. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or