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Back to School: A look at CCTI

Carbon Career and Technical Institute is geared up for the new school year, and looking forward to exceeding the standards that have marked it as a top-performing vocational technical school in the state.

Administrative director David Reinbold highlighted plans for the year:Improvements“We plan to deliver a unit on personal finance for seniors, and improve and expand our Professional Development Program lessons. PDP lessons focus on “soft skills” — work ethic and employability skills. “We’re also working to organize and host our first annual precision machining contest.”CCTI’s outstanding performance at the past year’s SkillsUSA may be hard to beat, but Reinbold said that the school staff and advisers are looking to increase the number of competitors at the district, state and hopefully national levels.PrioritiesMaintaining top-rate Keystone Exam and National Occupational Competency Testing Institute scores is a top priority.Reinbold said the school is looking to increase the number of nontraditional students with its array of career-oriented programs.OtherCCTI will be starting the year with a new school resource officer, Francis DeMatto,Principal Brent Borzak said.“The annual open house will now take place in the early fall, as compared to the early winter, as in the past. I am looking forward to working toward accomplishing all of our school goals along with my talented staff,” Borzak said.— Brian Myszkowski