Lansford Council fills zoning board vacancy
Lansford Borough Council filled its zoning hearing board Wednesday, naming a new member and alternate.
The action by the council brings assurance that there won't be further delay in a decision on whether a medical building and neighboring parking lot can be constructed in the downtown area.A hearing by the zoning board on the medical facility and parking lot, planned along Coal Street between Bertsch and Ridge Streets, is scheduled for 6:30
p.m.Aug. 24.Named to the three-member zoning hearing board was Tim Kurchak, filling the vacancy caused by the death of member Joseph P. Orsulak, who died July 22. Bob Silver was named as an alternate zoning board member. Both terms expire Dec. 31.Although a hearing on the medical center project could be held with only two zoning board members, one councilman expressed concern that the matter would be delayed if one of those two members doesn't show for the hearing.Also, the borough's solicitor, attorney Michael Greek, said the applicant for the zoning variance, Joseph Bennett, could opt to postpone the hearing if only two members of the zoning board were present.The medical building, which would be part of the St. Luke's Health Network, will be built - if approved - on a lot created by the demolition of the former Palace Restaurant, originally the Palace Theater. The parking lot would be constructed across Patterson Street on the site of the former All-Staffing building.Two complaints were aired at Wednesday's council meeting regarding the demolition site of the two buildings.One woman who lives close to the former Palace Restaurant said that since the demolition happened, she has had a problem with rats. She said one rat that came close to her was the size of a cat.No action was taken by the council regarding her complaint.Council member Joseph Butrie said he would like to see the sidewalk area at the demolition site closed off because he feels there are no pavements. He said the sidewalks are owned by the borough.Mayor James Romankow said the upkeep of the sidewalks is the responsibility of the property owner.Attorney Greek agreed and said of the property, "It's not ours. We don't own it." He said if a fence or barricade is installed by the borough, then "we put ourselves in the mix." He said he feels it would the property owner who would want to protect himself by taking precautions at the site.