Published August 10. 2017 02:45PM
U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright announced this week that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has awarded Diligence Fire Company No. 1 in Summit Hill with an Assistance to Firefighters Grant. The funds will be distributed via the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
The Diligence Fire Company No. 1 received a $52,096 Operations and Safety grant. These funds will allow the fire company to purchase vehicle extrication equipment and cutter/spreader tools.The advancement of metals found in automobiles, pillars and posts may provide increased occupant safety but have had an effect on fire companies doing their jobs during vehicle rescue operations.In order for fire companies to achieve success with vehicle rescue, aged hydraulic rescue tools must be replaced with a new generation of rescue tools designed for today's automotive technology."The residents served by Diligence Fire Company No. 1 will know that their lives are in good hands should an emergency occur," said Cartwright, a member of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus. "The Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program continues to be a critical resource to firefighters and communities, I will continue to strongly support this federal program that saves lives."The purpose of the program is to award competitive grants directly to fire departments to enhance their ability to protect the health and safety of the public, as well as that of first-responder personnel.Since 2001, the program has provided approximately $6.7 billion in grants to first-responder organizations to obtain much-needed emergency response equipment, personal protective equipment, firefighting and emergency vehicles, and training.